Monday, August 1, 2011

What makes this blog any different from the rest?

What makes this blog any different from the rest? ... If I am being completely honest..."I don't know". There are a ton of really good blogs out there on the subject of Business Intelligence, data warehousing, SQL Server, SSAS, etc. I make no assertions that you find something here in this blog that you cannot find in some other source. This blog will be a personal journey through the thoughts and manic ramblings of one BI contractor. "The Warehouse" will hopefully be stocked to the ceiling with best practices, tips, career observations, and probably lots of other randomness.

Why? Recently a friend and fellow BI Consultant convinced me that I need to be speaking in front of professional peers as a way of sharpening my skills and networking with like minded people. I took the bait. I am scheduled to give my first presentation at the August 11th meeting of the Columbus PASS user group . A blog seemed like a natural companion to speaking.

I hope to begin to fill the shelves of "The Warehouse" in the coming days and weeks with some of the following topics:
  • BI Fact Modeling Presentation Outline
  • Why speak at a local user group?
  • Data Warehouse for Beginners
  • What does it take to make Business Intelligence projects a success?
  • Tell me again why you think you should be blogging...
Anyhow, we shall see where this goes. Let it begin.